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Currying in JavaScript

currying in javascript

Currying is a technique in functional programming that helps make your code more modular, composable, and maintainable.

It does this by taking a function that takes multiple arguments and transforming it into a series of functions, each taking a single argument.

Currying is an advanced technique of handling functions that makes it easier to work with them.

To begin with, we will go into the fundamentals of Currying. We will define what it is and how it operates. This segment will give a complete understanding of the concept.

Next, we’ll explore how to implement Currying in JavaScript. We’ll discuss different methods, such as creating a Currying function, using partial application, and leveraging the bind method. We’ll provide practical examples and explanations to help you understand how to apply Currying in your own projects.

We will also examine the advantages and restrictions of Currying. This part will emphasize the advantages of using Currying in your projects, as well as the potential drawbacks and restrictions.

Whether you’re new to programming or an experienced developer, this post covers everything you need to know about Currying. You’ll gain the knowledge you need to implement it in your projects with confidence.

The most common uses of Currying in software development include:

1. Function Composition:

Currying allows developers to create and reuse small, single-argument functions that can be combined to create more complex functions.

Think about it like this: let’s say you have a function that takes two arguments and does some calculation. With currying, you can break down this function into two smaller functions, each taking one argument. This way, you can use each of these smaller functions in a more flexible way, and it makes your code easier to understand and maintain.

//function composition
// Original function that takes two arguments
function calculate(x,y) {
  return x + y;

// Curried version of the function
function add(x) {
  return function(y) {
    return x + y;

// Usage of the curried function
const add5 = add(5);
const result = add5(3);
console.log(result); // 8

In this example, we create a Currying function add that takes a single argument x and returns a new function that takes another argument y. The resulting function returns the sum of x and y. We can then create another function add5 by partially applying the add function with x set to 5. Finally, we can call add5 with y set to 3 to get the result 8.

2. Partial Application:

Currying enables developers to partially apply functions. This means that you can call a function with fewer arguments than it requires. Currying makes code more flexible, modular and reduces the number of parameters passed to a function.

//Adds two numbers together
function add(x,y){
 return x+y;

// partially apply the first argument
const add5 = add.bind(null, 5);

// invoke the partially applied function
const result = add5(3); // 8

In this example, we create a function add that takes two arguments: x and y. We then use the bind method to create a partially applied function add5 with x set to 5. When we call add5 with a single argument, it returns the sum of 5 and that argument.

3. Higher-Order Functions:

Currying is a key technique in higher-order functions, which are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as results.

Currying creates higher-order functions for functional programming, making complex system creation easier through composition and reuse.

// Higher-order function to map an array using a provided function
function map(fn) {
  return function(arr) {
    return arr.map(fn);

// Calculates the square of a number
function square(x) {
  return x * x;

// Applies the square function to each element in an array
var squareAll = map(square);

// Example usage:
var result = squareAll([1, 2, 3, 4]); // [1, 4, 9, 16]

In this example, we create a higher-order function map that takes a function fn as an argument and returns a new function that takes an array as another argument. The resulting function returns the result of calling the map.

One good example of currying is when a number is passed and it is determined whether the number is less than, greater than or within a certain range.

// create a verifier function with range...
function makeInputVerifier(minimum, maximum) {
    // return anonymous function to verify input
    return function verify(val) {
         // check if input is within range or less/more
        if (val < minimum) return "Input is less than minimum value";
        if (val >= minimum && val <= maximum) return "Input is in range";
        return "Input is more than maximum value";
const inputVerify = makeInputVerifier(10, 20);

The code creates a function, makeInputVerifier, that when given a minimum and maximum value, returns a new function to verify an input number. The returned function, verify, checks if the input number is less than the minimum, in the range of minimum to maximum, or greater than the maximum. It returns a string indicating the result of the check.

The result of calling makeInputVerifier with arguments 10 and 20 is saved as a constant inputVerify. The function inputVerify is then called with 25 as an argument and the result is logged to the console, which will display the message “Input is more than maximum value”.

Advantages of Currying:

  1. Reusability: Currying enables us to construct simple, reusable functions that are easily combined and customized. This improves the readability and maintainability of our code.
  2. Improved code clarity: Currying allows you to write clean and simple code, which makes it simpler to comprehend the data flow and the intent behind the code.
  3. Enhanced composition: Currying enables us to combine functions in a more flexible and efficient way, leading to better function composition.
  4. Improved performance: Currying can lead to performance improvements as it enables the optimization of function calls by reducing the number of parameters passed to a function.

Limitations of Currying:

  1. Increased complexity: Currying can make code more complex and harder to understand, especially for developers who are not familiar with functional programming.
  2. Debugging: Debugging code that uses Currying can be more challenging than debugging code written in a traditional, non-functional style.
  3. Limited browser compatibility may restrict the use of currying in certain contexts, as it may not be fully supported in older browsers.

Overall, while Currying has its advantages and limitations, it is a powerful technique that can enhance the quality and maintainability of code written in a functional style.

In conclusion, Currying is a useful approach for generating clear, simple, and maintainable code in functional programming. It allows us to design tiny, reusable functions that can be easily concatenated and adjusted. Currying enhances code readability and function composition, and in some cases can result in improved speed.

🤔 It is crucial to remember, however, that Currying may increase the complexity of code and make debugging more difficult. Older browsers may limit support for Currying.

🧐Despite these restrictions, Currying is a strong method that may improve the quality of functionally written programs. Learning about Currying is worthwhile whether you are a newbie or an experienced developer.

🎉 We hope that at the end of this blog, you will have a solid understanding of Currying, its benefits, and limitations. We invite you to experiment with Currying and explore how it may enhance the quality and readability of your code.

Here are some resources and documentation you may find helpful:

  1. “To learn more about the basics of Currying, check out this article from GeeksforGeeks.”
  2. “For a comprehensive guide to Currying and Partial Functions in JavaScript, see this tutorial from javascript.info.”
  3. “This article from LogRocket provides an in-depth explanation of Currying in JavaScript, including real-world examples.”

For more on React and complex user interfaces, check out my post on micro-frontend architecture.

I explored breaking down large frontends into smaller, manageable pieces with React and modern tech.

Check it out here: Micro Frontend Architecture Overview

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