Home » React Server Components: A Beginner’s Guide

React Server Components: A Beginner’s Guide

react server components

React Server Components (RSCs) are a new feature in React 18 that allows you to render React components on the server. This can improve performance and SEO for your website.

In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to RSCs. We will cover the following topics:

What are React Server Components?

React Server Components are a groundbreaking addition to the React framework that allows developers to render components on the server, rather than the client, resulting in improved performance and user experience.

Traditionally, when a React application is loaded, the rendering process takes place on the client side. This means that the server sends the HTML structure and JavaScript bundle to the client, which then executes the JavaScript code to render the components. However, this approach can lead to slower initial rendering and a delay in displaying the content to the user.

React Server Components introduce a new paradigm by enabling the rendering process to happen on the server before sending the content to the client. This means that the server can generate HTML for the components and send it directly to the client, resulting in faster rendering and reduced time-to-interactivity.

Server Components also excel in data fetching. They allow developers to efficiently fetch data on the server, reducing the need for additional client-side requests. This improves the performance of data-intensive applications and provides a smoother user experience.

Another advantage of React Server Components is enhanced developer experience. They promote better code organization and maintainability by allowing developers to separate concerns between the server and the client. Server Components provide a clear separation between static and dynamic parts of the application.

How do React Server Components work?

When you create a React Server Component, you use the @ServerComponent decorator. This decorator tells React that the component should be rendered on the server.

The @ServerComponent decorator takes an optional ssrProps object. This object can be used to pass props to the component that will be used when it is rendered on the server.

When should you use React Server Components?

You should use React Server Components when you want to improve the performance and SEO of your website. React Server Components can improve performance because the browser does not have to render the components itself. React Server Components can also improve SEO because the search engines can index the rendered HTML on the server.

How to create React Server Components

To create a React Server Component, you use the @ServerComponent decorator. The following code shows an example of a React Server Component:

import React, { FC } from "react";

export default function MyComponent() {
  return <h1>This is my React Server Component</h1>;

Examples of React Server Components

Here are some examples of RSCs:

  • A blog post component
  • A product page component
  • A search results page component
  • A login page component


React Server Components are a powerful new feature in React 18 that can improve the performance and SEO of your website. In this blog post, we provided a comprehensive guide to React Server Components.

We hope you found this blog post helpful. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

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