Home ยป 5 Easy Ways to Improve Web Accessibility on Your Website

5 Easy Ways to Improve Web Accessibility on Your Website

web accessibility

Web accessibility is the practice of making web content and services accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. By making your website accessible, you can ensure everyone has equal access to your content, improve your SEO, and demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity.

Any content or feature that is fully accessible to and usable by people with disabilities.

Why web accessibility important?

Web accessibility is important because it:

  • Enables people with disabilities to access and use online content on an equal basis with others
  • Ensures that people with disabilities are not excluded from the digital world and can participate fully in society
  • Facilitates access to education, employment opportunities, and government services for people with disabilities
  • Improves usability and user experience for everyone, including people without disabilities
  • Increases the potential audience and customer base for websites and online businesses
  • Helps organizations comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to accessibility
  • Fosters an inclusive and diverse society by removing barriers to participation and engagement
  • Demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and ethical business practices.

1) Provide Alternative Text for Images

Alternative text is important for users who cannot see images on a website because it provides context, enhances navigation, increases accessibility, and improves search engine optimization. It helps ensure that all users can access and understand the content of a website, regardless of their visual ability.

a) Definition of Alt Text

  • Alt text is a brief, text-based description of an image on a webpage.
  • Alt text is used to describe the content and function of an image to users who cannot see it.
  • Alt text is an important aspect of web accessibility and helps ensure that all users can access and understand the content of a website, regardless of their visual ability.

b) Importance of Alt Text

  • Accessibility: Alt text makes web content more accessible for people with visual impairments or devices that don’t support images.
  • SEO: Relevant and descriptive alt text helps search engines understand image content, which can improve search engine rankings.
  • Usability: Alt text provides additional information about the image, which improves the user experience.
  • Legal compliance: Alt text is a critical component of web accessibility, ensuring websites are in compliance with accessibility regulations.

c) How to write effective Alt Text

  • Be descriptive: Alt Text should be descriptive enough to convey the meaning of the image.
  • Keep it brief: Aim to keep Alt Text under 125 characters.
  • Don’t include non-essential information: Alt Text should only describe the content of the image.
  • Use keywords: Use relevant keywords in your Alt Text to help with search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Avoid using “click here”: Instead, describe the link destination.
  • Consider the context: Alt Text should not only describe the image, but also its relationship to the surrounding content.

By following these tips, you can write effective Alt Text that improves web accessibility for all users.

2) Use Semantic HTML

Semantic HTML refers to the use of HTML markup that conveys meaning and structure to the content on a web page. By using semantic HTML, website owners can improve web accessibility, SEO, and overall user experience.

Here are some reasons why using semantic HTML is important:

  • Accessibility: Semantic HTML helps screen readers and other assistive technologies better understand the content of a webpage, making it more accessible for people with disabilities.
  • SEO: Search engines use semantic HTML to better understand the content of a webpage and improve its search engine ranking. By using appropriate tags for headings, paragraphs, lists, and other content types, website owners can improve their website’s visibility online.
  • User experience: Semantic HTML improves the overall user experience by providing clear and concise structure to the content on a webpage, making it easier to navigate and understand.
  • Maintenance: Semantic HTML can also make it easier to maintain and update a website, as the markup is more standardized and easier to interpret.
  • Overall, using semantic HTML is a best practice in web design and development that can help improve web accessibility, SEO, user experience, and maintenance of a website.

a) Importance of using semantic HTML for web accessibility

Here are a few reasons why:

  • Screen readers: Semantic HTML helps screen readers interpret content accurately, making it more accessible for people with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard navigation: Semantic HTML ensures keyboard navigation is possible, making it easier for people with mobility impairments to navigate the website.
  • Assistive technologies: Semantic HTML helps assistive technologies better understand the content, improving accessibility for people with various disabilities.
  • Compliance: Using semantic HTML is a best practice for compliance with accessibility regulations in many countries, including the United States.

b) Examples of semantic HTML tags and how they can improve accessibility

Some examples of semantic HTML tags and how they can improve accessibility:

  1. <header> and <nav>: The <header> and <nav> tags are used to define the main header and navigation sections of a webpage. Screen readers can use these tags to help users skip to the main content of the page, improving navigation and accessibility.
  2. <h1> to <h6>: The <h1> to <h6> tags are used to define headings and subheadings on a webpage. Screen readers can use these tags to provide an audio description of the structure of the content, making it easier for users with visual impairments to understand the hierarchy and organization of the page.
  3. <p>: The <p> tag is used to define paragraphs on a webpage. Screen readers use this tag to provide a break between blocks of text, making it easier for users to understand the content and navigate the page.
  4. <ul> and <ol>: The <ul> and <ol> tags are used to define unordered and ordered lists on a webpage, respectively. Screen readers can use these tags to help users navigate and understand the content of the page, improving accessibility.

Overall, using semantic HTML tags helps improve the accessibility of a webpage by providing clear structure and meaning to the content, making it easier for assistive technologies to interpret and convey to users with disabilities.

C) Importance of properly nested and structured HTML

Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Accessibility: Properly nested and structured HTML is essential for accessibility. Screen readers and other assistive technologies rely on the structure of the HTML to understand the content and convey it accurately to users with disabilities.
  2. SEO: Search engines use the structure of HTML to understand the content of a webpage and improve its search engine ranking. Properly nested and structured HTML can help improve a website’s visibility online and attract more traffic.
  3. User experience: A well-structured HTML document makes the content of a webpage easier to navigate and understand. This improves the overall user experience and keeps visitors engaged with the website.
  4. Maintenance: Properly structured HTML is easier to maintain and update, especially for larger websites. A clear structure makes it easier for web developers to identify and fix errors and update content quickly.

In summary, properly nested and structured HTML is crucial for improving accessibility, SEO, user experience, and maintenance of a website.

3) Ensure Proper Color Contrast

Ensuring proper color contrast is important for making a website accessible to users with visual impairments, such as color blindness. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Accessibility: Proper color contrast is crucial for accessibility, as it ensures that users with visual impairments can read and understand the content on the website.
  • Usability: Ensuring proper color contrast improves the usability of a website for all users, making the content easier to read and understand.
  • Compliance: Proper color contrast is a requirement for compliance with accessibility regulations in many countries, including the United States.
  • Branding: Ensuring proper color contrast helps maintain a consistent brand image across the website, making the colors used easily recognizable and associated with the brand.

In short, proper color contrast is important for accessibility, usability, compliance, and branding, and can improve the overall user experience of a website.

a) Provide tools for testing color contrast ratios

Tools for testing color contrast ratios:

  • WebAIM Contrast Checker: A free online tool that allows you to check the contrast ratio between two colors.
  • Color Contrast Analyzer: A free desktop tool that allows you to check the contrast ratio of text and background colors.
  • Accessibility Insights for Web: A free browser extension that includes a color contrast analyzer tool.

b) Best practices for ensuring proper color contrast

  • Use a color contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 for text and images of text.
  • Use a color contrast ratio of at least 3:1 for larger text (18pt or 14pt bold).
  • Avoid using color alone to convey information, as some users may not be able to distinguish between certain colors.
  • Use high contrast colors for important elements such as buttons and links.
  • Avoid using busy or distracting backgrounds that can make it difficult to read text.
  • Test your website for color contrast using one of the tools mentioned above.
  • Consider the context of your website when choosing colors, such as the lighting conditions and the user’s device.

In summary, using tools to test color contrast ratios and following best practices can help ensure that your website is accessible to all users, including those with visual impairments. By using high contrast colors, avoiding busy backgrounds, and considering the context of your website, you can create a more user-friendly and accessible experience.

4) Provide Captions and Transcripts for Videos

Providing captions and transcripts for videos is important for making your website accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as users who may not be able to listen to audio. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Accessibility: Captions and transcripts make videos accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing, allowing them to understand the content even if they can’t hear the audio.
  • Usability: Captions and transcripts can improve the usability of videos for all users, making it easier to understand the content in noisy or quiet environments or in situations where audio cannot be played out loud.
  • Compliance: Providing captions and transcripts is required for compliance with accessibility regulations in many countries, including the United States.
  • Searchability: Providing transcripts for videos can make them more easily searchable as search engines can index the text and make it available in search results.

In summary, providing captions and transcripts for videos is crucial for accessibility, usability, compliance, and searchability, and can greatly improve the overall user experience of your website.

a) Importance of captions and transcripts for users who are deaf or hard of hearing

  • Captions and transcripts provide access to audio content for users who cannot hear it, making the content accessible and inclusive.
  • They allow users to understand the context and content of the video or audio, and to participate fully in the online community.

b) Tools for creating captions and transcripts

  • YouTube’s automatic captioning tool can be used for videos uploaded to the platform.
  • Other tools include Amara, Rev, and CaptionSync.
  • Transcripts can be created manually using a text editor.

c) Best practices for ensuring accuracy and completeness of captions and transcripts

  • Use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Add speaker names or identifiers to help distinguish who is speaking.
  • Include sound effects or music cues.
  • Ensure captions and transcripts match the audio content precisely.
  • Use appropriate capitalization and punctuation to convey tone and emphasis.
  • Review and edit the captions and transcripts for accuracy and completeness.

In summary, captions and transcripts are essential for making online content accessible and inclusive for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. Tools such as YouTube’s automatic captioning and third-party services can help create accurate captions and transcripts, while adhering to best practices ensures their accuracy and completeness.

5) Use Accessible Forms, Input Fields and Keyboard Accessibility

a) Importance of using accessible forms and input fields for users with mobility or cognitive impairments

  • Accessible forms and input fields allow users with mobility impairments or cognitive disabilities to interact with web content, helping to provide equal access to information and services.
  • They allow users to navigate and complete forms using assistive technologies, such as screen readers or keyboard-only navigation, ensuring equal access and a positive user experience.

b) Tips for designing accessible forms

  • Use clear labels that accurately describe the input field, providing context and clarity for all users.
  • Provide clear instructions and help text to guide users through the form-filling process.
  • Use error messages that clearly indicate how to fix any errors and provide suggestions for correction.
  • Avoid using CAPTCHAs or other security measures that may be difficult for users with cognitive impairments or mobility limitations to complete.
  • Use appropriate form controls, such as radio buttons, checkboxes, and select menus, to allow users to navigate and complete forms more easily.

c) Importance of testing forms with screen readers and keyboard-only navigation

  • Testing forms with assistive technologies, such as screen readers and keyboard-only navigation, helps ensure that all users can navigate and complete forms easily.
  • It can reveal any issues or barriers that may prevent users with disabilities from accessing content or completing forms, allowing for timely and effective remediation.

In summary, using accessible forms and input fields is important for providing equal access to information and services for users with mobility or cognitive impairments. Designing accessible forms with clear labels, instructions, and error messages, and avoiding CAPTCHAs, can help ensure a positive user experience. Testing forms with assistive technologies, such as screen readers and keyboard-only navigation, is crucial for identifying and resolving any barriers to accessibility.

Keyboard Accessibility:

  • Definition: Keyboard accessibility refers to the ability for users to navigate and interact with a website using only the keyboard.
  • Importance: It is important for users with mobility or vision impairments, as well as users who may have temporary disabilities or situational impairments.
  • Implementation:
    • Use semantic HTML to provide a clear structure to the page.
    • Enable keyboard navigation for all interactive elements.
    • Provide clear focus indicators to show which element has keyboard focus.
    • Test with a keyboard to ensure all interactive elements can be accessed and activated using the keyboard alone.

Benefits of Keyboard Accessibility:

  • Improves web accessibility for all users.
  • Increases usability for users with mobility or vision impairments.
  • Helps to comply with accessibility guidelines and regulations.
  • Enhances search engine optimization (SEO) by making the website more accessible to search engines.

Tips for Keyboard Accessibility:

  • Use keyboard shortcuts for common actions, such as skipping to the main content of the page.
  • Use a logical order for keyboard navigation, following the natural flow of the page.
  • Avoid using keyboard traps that prevent users from navigating away from an element or page.
  • Consider using ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes to enhance keyboard accessibility.


Summary of 5 easy ways to improve web accessibility on your website:

  1. Provide alternative text for images
  2. Use semantic HTML
  3. Ensure proper color contrast
  4. Provide captions and transcripts for videos
  5. Use accessible forms and input fields

Prioritizing accessibility in web development projects can help ensure that all users, regardless of ability, can access and use web content. By implementing accessibility best practices, developers can create a more inclusive and user-friendly web for all.

Additional resources for learning more about web accessibility:

For more on React and complex user interfaces, check out my post on micro-frontend architecture.

I explored breaking down large frontends into smaller, manageable pieces with React and modern tech.

Check it out here: Micro Frontend Architecture Overview

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